Mine Backfilling is a technique where filler material is mixed with cementitious material to fill and stabilise underground cavities. It can be used in various mining operations, such as mine tailings stabilisation. Presentation and key elements What is it? Mine backfilling is a technique [...]
coralielaval2025-02-14T07:57:14+01:00Drilled micropiles are piles with diameters of up to 300mm. They are constructed by installing reinforcement bars or casings and grouting them. It's a cost-effective technique. Presentation and key elements What is it? Drilled micropiles are piles with diameters of up to 300 mm. [...]
admin75082024-04-10T07:54:31+02:00Ground anchoring is a technique that connects structures with the soil. It's commonly used to provide stability and reduce the deformation of retention walls. Presentation and key elements What is it? Ground anchoring is a technique that connects structures to the soil or underlying rock [...]
High Energy Impact Compaction
Marie Brunel2024-04-10T07:26:27+02:00The technique of High Energy Impact Compaction (or Impact Roller Compaction) involves application of high energy impulsed at the ground surface utilizing rollers.
Rapid Impact Compaction
admin75082024-04-10T07:23:50+02:00Rapid Impact Compaction is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by pounding it at high frequency with a medium sized pounder.
Slurry wall
admin75082024-04-10T07:41:58+02:00Slurry Wall is a ground improvement technique that uses non-structural underground barriers to build cut-off walls to prevent the flow of water.
Dynamic Replacement
admin75082024-04-10T07:46:57+02:00Dynamic replacement is a ground improvement technique that reinforces fine grained soils with a network of dynamically pounded pillars.
admin75082024-04-10T07:28:49+02:00Vibrocompaction is a ground improvement technique that densifies the soil by shaking it with a vibro probe.
Bi-Modulus Columns
admin75082024-04-10T07:37:03+02:00Bi-modulus columns is a ground improvement technique that reinforces the soil by a combination of CMC and stone columns.
Soil Mixing
admin75082024-04-10T07:39:35+02:00Soil Mixing is a ground improvement technique that reinforces the soil by mixing in situ a network of grout and soil columns.