Mine Backfilling is a technique where filler material is mixed with cementitious material to fill and stabilise underground cavities. It can be used in various mining operations, such as mine tailings stabilisation.

Presentation and key elements
What is it?
Mine backfilling is a technique where filler material (sand, fly ash, or gravel) is mixed with cementitious material to fill and stabilise underground cavities.
We have an in-depth knowledge of grout mix composition and can tailor the selection of grout mix used to suit strength and rheology technical requirements with consideration of cost and material availability.
When and why use it?
Mine backfilling can be used in mining operations: it stabilises the mine, provides safe working areas, enables extraction from condemned areas, and reduces the amount of material stored at the surface. It is also used to stabilize new urban developments located on derelict historical mine shafts and galleries.
💡 Menard’s tip
We have access to a large fleet of drilling rigs able to reach treatment depths over 100 meters!