Process & Energy / Stone Columns, Dynamic Replacement / Macmahon John Holland JV, INPEX
Kempsey By-pass, NSW
marketingmenardoceania2022-07-11T00:28:15+02:00Infrastructure / CMC / Leighton Contractors, RTA
Kutubu, Papua New Guinea
marketingmenardoceania2022-07-11T00:26:56+02:00Process & Energy / Micropiling / Spiecapag / Exxon Mobile
Liddell Cut-off Wall, NSW
marketingmenardoceania2022-07-10T06:51:44+02:00Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / Liddell Mine
Mount Arthur Cut-off wall, NSW
marketingmenardoceania2022-07-10T06:06:56+02:00Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / Daracon Contractors, Mt Arthur Mine
Nambucca Heads to Urunga, NSW
marketingmenardoceania2022-07-10T06:04:21+02:00Infrastructure / CMC / LendLease, RMS
Mine Backfilling
coralielaval2023-09-27T03:18:54+02:00Mine Backfilling is a technique where filler material is mixed with cementitious material to fill and stabilise underground cavities. It can be used in various mining operations, such as mine tailings stabilisation. Presentation and key elements What is it? Mine backfilling is a technique [...]
coralielaval2024-04-10T07:55:52+02:00Drilled micropiles are piles with diameters of up to 300mm. They are constructed by installing reinforcement bars or casings and grouting them. It's a cost-effective technique. Presentation and key elements What is it? Drilled micropiles are piles with diameters of up to 300 mm. They [...]
admin75082024-04-10T07:54:31+02:00Ground anchoring is a technique that connects structures with the soil. It's commonly used to provide stability and reduce the deformation of retention walls. Presentation and key elements What is it? Ground anchoring is a technique that connects structures to the soil or underlying rock [...]
Port Botany, NSW
Marie Brunel2022-07-10T06:01:01+02:00Infrastructure / Vibro Compaction, Dynamic Compaction, Vertical Wick Drains, Jet Grouting / Baulderstone Hornibrooky, Sydney Port Authority