Menard has a wide knowledge of local markets and ground conditions, backed by the strengths of the group This means we have the best equipment and expertise, from small-scale projects to the largest ground improvement sites.
- All
- Anchoring
- Buildings
- Controlled Modulus Columns CMC
- Cut-off wall
- Dam Engineering
- Dynamic compaction
- Dynamic replacement
- Environmental Remediation
- Grouting
- High Energy Impact Compaction
- Industrial
- Infrastructure
- Jet grouting
- Menard Vacuum
- Micropiling
- Ports & Airports
- Process & Energy
- Rail & Road
- Reactive barriers
- Roads and Railways
- Rock Anchoring
- Rock Grouting
- Slurry wall
- Soil mixing
- Stone columns
- Vertical drain
- Vibrocompaction
20 Martin Place, NSW
Buildings / Micropiling / Built NSW Pty Ltd, Pembrooke Real Estate
Alcoa RSA1E WA
Energy / Prefabricated Vertical Drains
Astrolable Park Stormwater Renewal, NSW
Process & Energy / Stone Columns / Enviropacific
Bellevue, WA
Environmental Remediation / Permeable Reactive Barriers / GHD, Landcorp
Brisbane Airport New Parallel Runway, BN
Infrastructure / Vertical Drains / Jan De Nul, Brisbane Airport
Brisbane Container Terminal, BN
Infrastructure / CMC / Baulderstone, Brisbane Container Terminal Pty Ltd
Brisbane International Cruise Terminal, QLD
Infrastructure / CMC / Deep Soil Mixing
Cape Bridgewater Wind Farm, VIC
Wind Farm / Dynamic Compaction
CityLink Tulla Widening-Bulla Road to Power Street, Vic
Infrastructure / CMC
Cotter saddle dam, ACT
Process & Energy / Grouting / Abigroup John Holland, ACTEW
Cravens Creek, NSW
Process & Energy / Grouting / Guideline ACT, ACT Government
Erskine Park Warehouse, NSW
Industrial / Dynamic Compaction / Mailand Civil
Fisherman Islands GPB
Ports / Stone Columns, Vibrocompaction & Wick Drains
Fisherman Islands S3B, QLD
Infrastructure / Menard Vacuum TM / Port of Brisbane Corporation
Ichthys Cryogenic Tanks, NT
Process & Energy / CMC / Laing O'Rourke, JKC Australia LNG
Ichthys LNG, NT
Process & Energy / Stone Columns, Dynamic Replacement / Macmahon John Holland JV, INPEX
Kempsey By-pass, NSW
Infrastructure / CMC / Leighton Contractors, RTA
Kutubu, Papua New Guinea
Process & Energy / Micropiling / Spiecapag / Exxon Mobile
Liddell Cut-off Wall, NSW
Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / Liddell Mine
Maroon & Moogerah Dam Upgrade, QLD
Dams / Curtain Grouting-Gin
Mayfield Barrier Wall Cut-off wall, NSW
Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / Regional Land Management Corporation
Melbourne Metro Tunnel, Vic
Infrastructure / Rail / Jet Grouting
Mount Arthur Cut-off wall, NSW
Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / Daracon Contractors, Mt Arthur Mine
Nambucca Heads to Urunga, NSW
Infrastructure / CMC / LendLease, RMS
Nowra cut-off wall, NSW
Environmental Remediation / Cut-off Wall / UGL
Perth Stadium, WA
Buildings / Vertical Drains, CMC, Dynamic Compaction / Brookfield Multiplex, WA state government
Port Botany, NSW
Infrastructure / Vibro Compaction, Dynamic Compaction, Vertical Wick Drains, Jet Grouting / Baulderstone Hornibrooky, Sydney Port Authority
Port of Brisbane Motorway, QLD
Roads & Railways / CMC Rigid Inclusions / SW & BMD JV, Queensland Main Roads
Port of Brisbane Paddock B1
Ports / Menard Vacuum; Wick Drains
Sale Former Gasworks, VIC
Environment / Deep Soil Mixing
Sydney Airport, NSW
Infrastructure / Jet Grouting / Baulderstone Hornibrook, Sydney Airport Authority
Telegraph Road, QLD
Roads & Railways / Soil Mixing / Bielby Hull JV / Brisbane City Council
Tharwa Bridge, NSW
Roads & Railways / Jet Grouting Rock Anchors / RTA
Townsville Marine Precinct, QLD
Ports and Airports / Dynamic Replacement / Laing O'Rourke
Vopak B4A Expansion, NSW
Process & Energy / CMC, High Energy Impact Compaction
Webb Dock East, VIC
Ports / Controlled Modulus Columns
WestConnex 3B Rozelle Interchange, NSW
Infrastructure / Rock Grouting