Bluestone Mines
Bluestone Mines Tasmania Joint Venture Pty Ltd (BMTJV) proposed to construct the D Dam Tailing Storage
Facility to support the existing activities at the Renison Bell Tin Mine, West of Rosebery, in Western Tasmania.
D Dam was required to provide future capacity for the storage of tailings from ore processing at the Renison
Bell Tin Mine. The existing Tailing Storage Facilities have capacity to receive tailings at current rates until
2018 after which a new storage will be required.
It is also likely that D Dam would become an important part of the potential reprocessing of tailings from
existing dams at Renison (Rentails Project) in the future.

The major challenge of the project was the steep platform up to 45 degrees where we have to position the
drill rig.
The ground consisted of highly fractured mudstones overlying medium to fresh mudstones. There is a large
section on the Northern abutment of the main dam where there are existence of lake sediment materials
(Lacustrine) up to the depth of 20lm from natural ground level.
Menard was engaged through the Principal Contractor – Shaw Contracting to construct a 30m deep ground
curtain across a total of 600m long of the dam foundation alignment. The works involved:
– 127lm of Triple Tube Diamond Core Drilling
– 3805lm of Percussion Drilling
– 780no. Water Pressure Tests
– 140,000L Grout Injected
Menard completed the scope of works 5 weeks ahead of schedule with a harmonious cooperation with the
client to ensure the access to work fronts were handed over to us in timely manner.