Melrose Dam
Melrose Dam is the water storage for the Swan Valley Irrigation Scheme and will be used to store water
pumped from the Swan River predominately during winter and drawn down
during the 120 day summer irrigation season. The dam is situated off the Tasman highway via Cranbrook on
the east coast of Tasmania. It is a 3000ML 27.5m high zoned earthfill embankment dam with an assigned
consequence category of High B. Menard Oceania was contracted by Tasmanian Irrigation to carry out the
installation of 20m deep 500m long grout curtain along the dam foundation alignment

Rock Grouting
The ground condition comprises of dark grey organic rich topsoil underlain by variably silty and sandy clays of
medium to high plasticity, underlain by weathered dolerite.
Menard completed 1500lm of drilling, 295 no of water pressure test hook up and injection of 16,000 L of
grout in less than 4 weeks – 2 weeks in advance of the construction programme.