Bi-modulus columns are a combination of stone columns and the Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC) techniques.

Presentation and key elements

What is it?

Bi-modulus columns are a combination of stone columns and the CMC technique. CMCs are installed in the ground, then stone columns are installed at the top of the CMC head, thus creating a hybrid Stone and CMC Column.

When and why use it?

Bi-modulus columns combine the advantages of both techniques and can be applied to very soft soils where a stone column solution could not work due to the lack of lateral confinement and the risk of bulging.

Bi-modulus columns result in an increased bearing capacity, reduction of total and differential settlements as well as improved stress distribution from the structure to the inclusions. This leads to an optimisation of the thickness of the load transfer platform between the structure and the inclusions.

💡 Menard’s tip

The application of Bi-Modulus Columns is an example of the innovation and adaption of conventional ground improvement techniques. It demonstrates Menard’s ability to respond specifically to site-specific challenges. It is always advised to consider the right technique and possible alternate approaches to the problem!

CMC techniques for soil

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